Monday, June 16, 2008

He is here!!!!!

On Mother's Day I spent the day with my mom getting everything ready for me to have my son on May 13Th. While we were shopping I started to have to sharp pains in my left side. I thought it was cause I was over doing it. We had dinner plans that night, so we went home to get dressed for dinner. When I got home Mike was there and ready to go. I had to have him help me get ready cause I was in so much pain. I sat own on the bed and told him that I didn't think we were going to get through the night. That he needed to be ready to take me in even if they just send us home. That way we would know how far I was. We drove to dinner in two cars since there were 4 adults and Katie, we didn't fit in one car anymore. As we were at dinner I finally told my parents that after dinner we were going in due to contractions I was having. I could not sit and enjoy my meal.

After dinner we drove Katie home. Mike grabbed my bag and some pillows just in case. I got the things my mom would need for Katie ready. I told them we would see them in a hour and not to wait up. We got to the hospital around 8pm, they examined me and said I was 3cm and would have the doctor on call look at me since he was there. While he was examining me I went to 4cm. He said you are staying and we will have a baby tonight we hope. The took me down stairs to L&D. I was given an iv and blood taken. Around 9pm the doctor came in and broke my water. At 10 I have my nice pain meds and it was time ti just wait. Mike slept most of the time ina chair since he was at work since 5am. Around 2:30am he meds were wearing off and I need more. They gave me some more. At 3am it was time to push. This time around Mike could be by my side. I don't know if it was cause he was sleeping and got up to soon but he went white as a ghost. He sat there ready to take pictures this time. I pushed for 45minutes and had our son. The doctor cut the cord this time due to the fact that Michael Raymond had his shoulder stuck. Everything is fine and he is a healthy baby. He was 8 10. 20 inches. Black hair and at the time blue eyes. They are now hazel like mine. Ya about time one of my kids look like me. They both do :) we stayed in the mother baby unit one night and I went home.

Things have been so great with them. Katie loves to be the big sister. When we need diapers to go in the trash she does it. She will get a diaper or bottle for him. If I am making a bottle and he starts to cry she will drop what she is doing and go to him and try to calm him doen till I can get there.