Kaitlynn Nicole Mast was born on August 21, 2006 at 4:25pm.
That was a very long day for mommy and baby. The week leading up to the 21st I was in and out of the hospital cause I was in so much pain and thought we were going to have her then. The day before I went to the hospital again. They sent me home saying since you will be in at 7am for an induction we are not keeping you. The rest of the day I layed on the couch with a heating pad on my back since that was were my contraction were. That night I slept on the couch. At around 10pm I got up due to pain. Around 12 I went in and told Mike I was hurting bad. He said we are going in at 7 and try to get some rest. I was up walking around the kitchen and family room. They were coming every minute lasting a minute. Finlay I couldn't take it anymore and went into the bed room to get Mike up for good. As I tried to climb in the bed I thought I was leaking again. I went to the bath room and found out my water broke. It was brown cause she decided to poop. I called to Mike and he jumped out of bed. We already had our bags in the car and all we had to do was grab pillows. I went and told my parents we were going in and we would call around 8. It was 4am. We got to the hospital around 4:45am. They got me in a room and started the paper work and blood work to get me the pain meds around 5am. At 7am the new nurses came in and told me the doctor wanted me on O2. My parents walked in at 9am and looked at me with a worried look on their faces. We all sat there talking, reading or on the phone. Around 2 pm, my parents went to get something to eat. While they were gone we started to push. My mom came back to help. Around 3pm the doctor came in and said if you don't have her in a hour he was going to give me a c-section. I pushed like I have never pushed before. At 4:25pm I had her. Kaitlynn Nicole weighed in at 8lbs 21 inches. She had a full head of dark hair. I forgot to tell Mike and my mom that she would be blue till they got all the bad liquid from her and she would be fine. Once they cleaned me up my dad was able to come in and see his grand daughter since he had to go back to Miami the next day. Since I had so much fluid they kept in till 10pm. Kaitlynn went up to the Mother baby unit at 6pm. Mike kept running back and forth to be with us. I was in the hospital for two nights.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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