Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What a adventure!!!!

So we had quite adventure the last few days. Yesterday started out like any other day. When the kids got up they played in their room and watched a DVD. I was able to get up and get some things done without little feet under mine. I loaded the kids up early to go get the pictures from my maternity shoot. When we got home I put buddy down for his nap while Katie and I played in the family room. I got the kids in the car and we were on our way to have lunch with Mike. I was going to stop at his store and get ice and chocolate milk. I then decided to let Mike bring them home due to the fact that I didn't want to have to lift Katie to put her in the car. Wen we got home it was nap time again so I put Buddy in his crib and told Katie she needed to lay in mommy and daddy's bed and watch a DVD. She didn't want to and would get all fussy so I decided to lay down with her. I am not sure how long she napped for. But all of a sudden she started crying. I tried to get her to stop and nothing worked. She wouldn't even take food or water. I got her to sit on the couch with me but nothing worked. We called Duckie, Poppie and daddy and nothing worked. After 3 hours of it I called Mike again and told him that I couldn't get her to stop crying. I tried everything and still she wouldn't calm down. He came home to see if he could help. When he got home he tried to hold her but she wouldn't let him. She didn't want to lay down and watch TV, she didn't even want to have a sippy of water. No cookie either. Mike said lets take her on a car ride cause that works. We loaded the kids up and started out car ride. She was ok till we went to strap her in the car seat. We got gas and then headed to Mike's work to drop him off. Brian was going to bring him home after work. When we turned onto Clark he called his mom to see if there was anything else I could do while he was at work. His mom told him that at Katie's age Joe had appendicitis and he was just like how she was acting. So when we got to his store I called the doctor and he told us to take her in to the ER. So Mike went in and told work that was going on and then we headed to the hospital.
We got the ER at 7:15PM. We sat there with her till almost 9PM. Then I loaded Buddy up in the car to take him home. Mike said that if she hasn't been seen by 10PM then it was time to go home and we would take her to see Cocco tomorrow first thing. I got home and put Buddy in his crib. I sat down to watch a TV show and text mike to see how things were going. Still hadn't been seen. At 10PM I loaded Buddy up and off to the hospital I went. I picked them up and she was her old self again. Mike told me that she kept asking for the fish and to see the babies that were there. We headed to Walmart cause I still needed the ice and milk. When we got home it was time for Buddy to go to bed. Katie climbed into our bed and watched a DVD. She fell asleep while Mike and I watched some TV. During the night I got up to look in on her and she was fine. Buddy would get up for his diaper change and bottle. This time he didn't want a bottle and would not stop crying. Mike would have to pin up to even get some bottle in him. The only way he would sleep was if Mike held him and Mike even said he had to fight Buddy to sleep. Katie did get up at some point and I just let her lay in bed a watch a DVD. I was not going to push for her to go back to sleep with what she went though. We ended up going back to sleep. When Buddy got up up for the day we noticed he was warm. So we loaded the kids up and off to see Cocco. When they took her temp she at a low fever or 99.1. Buddy had a fever of 100.5. He couldn't find anything wrong and said Katie actions could have been from teething or a headache, Buddy's could be the cold they both still have or teething. He said to put them on 48 hour around the clock pain meds. we headed home to get both kids their pain meds and to let them get some rest. Buddy took his fine and went down for a nap. Katie fought hers and ended up vomiting up her food and we think so meds but we are unable to say. after she took a shower she layed in our bed and watched a DVd. Buddy slept a good 3 hours. Final later in the day Katie took her nap. Buddy is still on the warm side but not as bad. Katie seems to be almost back to her fun self again. I hope tomorrow goes better the yesterday and today. I need so good rest now.
Let me say what an adventure we have had.