Thursday, April 30, 2009
Kaitlynn Nicole
Favorite activites.....
*Playing hid n seek
*Playing B-Ball
*Dress up
*Playing mommy. She is always helping me with the boys
*Playing with her dolls
*Loves going on walks
She talks more and more every day and is better to understand now.
I can't beleive she will be 3 in 4 months
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Milestones
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Mom 4 life
I have found this great site(thanks to Rose). It is called They have the best items for moms. I have found several that I love and several that I plan to order.
This item is the Moby Wrap Batik Designs Baby Carrier
Is my way of shopping with all 3 of my kids with no help.
The Peanut Shell Cotton Stretch Baby Sling by Goo-Ga is another one I love.
These are my two favorite slings to have.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 9:18 AM 2 comments
Labels: Finds
A Kate day
So today I spent the most part of the day at home. I planed on going to Books A Million to see Kate from Jon and Kate plus 8. We had so much fun with my cousin who came to see her also.
The kids had a blast at the store.
So I have been debating on cutting my hair to look like Kate's hair. I have each time gone shorter and shorter but I think this week I am going to go all the way to Kate's hair style.
Today was the first night that Mike closed that I had all three kids on my own and boy will I say I did great. We had no problems at all. We got home from seeing Kate and the boys went to bed. Katie climbed on the green chair and fell asleep watching sprout. I was able to get some things done around the house(print birth announcements and Buddy's bday invitations). I watched some tv shows I recorded.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 1:12 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Our adventure
Today was the first day since I had Small Fry that i had all 3 kids on my own. Small Fry got up at 7 and then after a bottle he went back down. I got up and got Buddy out of his crib and Katie out of her bed. We made our way to the couch to watch some toons while I got food for them. Diapers changed and milk in hands they sat on the couch so good. We planed on seeing daddy at 10 so a small snack would do. Around 9:30 I got every one ready to go. Small Fry got up from his nap and we loaded into the car to go. This was the first time I had the 3 in the car, going some place with no help. We headed to Mike's store. We then piled bck into the car and headed to eat. After we droped Mike back at work I decided to try to go to a store with the 3 kids. We went to Michael's Craft store. I had to get some ribbon for bows and some cut out for cards. I wanted to try one more store but to get what I needed I would have to go to BRU and Halmark. I will try that tomorrow after kids have naps.
When we got home Small Fry and Buddy took naps. Katie watched tv in the den while I cleaned the Kitchen and got things ready for dinner. We also talked to my parents and brother on Skype. This week is going to be a long one since Mike is not off till Friday. I am ready for the week. I have so many things that I want to do with the kdis. If the weather is good tomorrow I think that Katie and I will go in the pool while the boys nap.
I have been looking into things for Katie to o during the summer days that will get her out of the house and with other kids so I can spend some time with the boys.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures
Been a week
It has been a week since we came home from All Children's. Small Fry has been doing so good. We spent this time with my parents. Katie and my mom played lots of games and colored. My dad had to go out of town for a few days. When he got back we took all three kids to the mall for dinner. It was lots of fun. I miss the times when I would go to dinner with my prents. In time we will do it again.
The had to fly back to CA yesterday. Mike took them to the airport and then we headed to a birthday party at the beach for a friends son. We had lots of fun. Katie got to run around with other kids and play in the water. After the party we stoped off at uncle Brian's house. We were going to start the Sat dinner again with him. He came over for pizza. We had a blast. We just hung out and watched tv.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures, Milestones
Monday, April 20, 2009
*I am so thankful that we caught this when we did.
*I am thankful that my parents were in town and were able to stay with the kids so we could be with Christian. I know they had lots of fun.
*This would have been really hard to do if they were not here.
* I was able to stay every night with the little one and know that my other two were in good hands. I want to say thank you to all who kept us in your thoughts and prayers. It means so much that all of you were thinking of us during our difficult time we have had this past month with Mike's dad and then Christian. When we get back to normal I will post some more pictures of the family.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Love, Milestones
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Day Three
Today is day three at All Children's. We thought that we were going to be able to go home yesterday but he wasn't able to keep his food down. We had to start over. I am ok with that because it was to soon to start feeding him. So far today he has kept the bulk of his formula down with just two spit ups. We are just waiting to do the final feeding. If he keeps this one down we can go home tonight. I have my hopes up and know I shouldn't. We have pictures that I will get up once we are home.
Our little boy got to wear a hospital gown. He got a green one. He was hooked up to monitors so no pj's from home for him. He looks so cute. We had some of the best nurses here. All helpful and in love with Christian. I stayed the nights with him while Mike went home to get some sleep since he had to open at work. He also was able to help with the kids if need be. I was upset that I was the only one to stay with him but I know he had to go in. And for him to be responsible and still go into work till some one else can get there and then come and spend all day here is one of the reasons I love him so much.
I will be so happy when this is all over and done with. I am glad that he is on the path to get better. We were hit with so much at once.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 8:46 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adventures, Milestones
Friday, April 17, 2009
Surgery Day
Today is surgery day. They came to get Christian and we walked down to surgery. I talk to the doctors and off he went. I am now just sitting here going out of my mind. The whole surgery will take 45 minutes. They took him back around 9:20AM. It is now 10:13Am. Still waiting. I hope Mike gets here soon. Walking the other way from him while he went in was the hardest thing to do. I would rather sit by his side then out here alone. He is my baby and needs me just like I need him. I know he needs the surgery but my mind is just going. I can't turn it off.
I will keep everyone posted once the doctor comes out to talk to me. Please keep us in your preys.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Our little boy
Since we have been home from Ohio, Christian has been vomiting up his formula. It was after every feeding. Each time would get a little worse. On Monday he vomited and it covered him, the blanket and the swing. I was able to get him into see the doctor. Since Pyloric Stenosis runs in my family he wanted to rule it out. She he ordered a x ray. I was now feeding him half ounces at a time. I took him to All children's for the x ray. Yesterday we got the results back. He was not happy with it. The next step was a ultrasound. We headed up to All Children's. He was on the boarder for Pyloric Stenosis. If we would have waited and repeated the x ray and ultrasound then we would be there. He said it was only going to get worse. We headed home knowing what we were dealing with. While we were there he slept the best on the bed with the warmer.
Today I got a call from the doctor. He called the surgeon and they talked. They both decided that surgery was the way to go. I called Mike after talking to All Children's. He came home and we headed up to the hospital. They did his blood work and he will have surgery tomorrow at 9AM. So we are sitting up here with him. So far so good. the only bad thing is ( well there are two), Christian can't have any formula, the second is Mike has to go to work tomorrow at 5AM till Heather gets in. I wish he didn't have to. I know he has to but still can't they get someone to cover it for us?
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 8:40 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adventures
Ray C Mast
Last year Mike's dad was diagnosed with Congestive heart failure. We made the long drive up to be with him. He got better and was on his way back to being himself. On March 21(one year later), we got a call from his mom that his dad had lots of water on his feet and legs and that she was going to take him to the hospital. Later on did I find out the his finger tips and lips were blue. They kept him over night to run more test and to evaluate him. That call was on Saturday March 21st. On Monday March 23rd they were going to shock his heart to get it to beat the way it needs to be. His dad wasn't coming out of it that well so they had to put him on a machine to help him breath. On Tuesday March 24th my parents came in. Mike got to call his dad's doctor and talk to him and get questions answered. When Mike got back from picking my parents up from Tampa airport he got a call saying his dad wasn't doing so good. So we looked up flights for him to go to see his dad.
The day I was leaving the hospital Mike flew out to see his dad. I was dealing with the baby blues. I was mad, hurt and upset. I was mad that he bought a ticket without talking to me first. Hurt that he didn't care how I felt or what I was going through. Upset that he didn't wait till we got home and settled in. I know and understand why he had to go.
Mike's dad had a valve that wasn't pumping the way it should. They decided to shock his heart. When they did that many other problems came about. They had to put him on a respirator. He seemed to do better. Mike came home on a Tuesday. They sent his dad home the next day. Mike would call and get updates. We thought all was good. His dad was on oxegen. It was to be at night only but ended up being all the time.
Saturday night from we got a call from Sharon saying that his dad was not doing so good and that she was on the way to the house and would call us once she got there to let us know what was going on. On Sunday April 6th his mom and sister Becky called saying that they were having a hard time getting his pulse and they wanted him to talk to his dad. That was the day his dad passed away. We sat and talked about our options. We fly Mike up or we all drive up as a family. We decided to drive up as a family. So once we found out when the funeral was we called his work and told them when we would be leaving. So Monday we packed up the car and headed to Ohio. We got in on Tuesday and got changed for the viewing. The funeral was on Wednesday. It was a cold day. It had snowed the day and night before. We headed to the church after some car problems.We had a sitter for Katie that was a friend of the family. We also had family that helped out with the boys. I ended up taking Michael the the baby room to get him to sleep. I missed half the service. There was some lovely music. We had a lovely service. We headed to the family grave site. When we got there we parked the car so that Mike could help move his dad from the hearse to the horse and buggy that would take him up the rest of the way due to the weather conditions. I got Christian out and bundled him up. I got in the car with Joe, Deborah and Becky. Mike grabbed Michael and they walked up the hill. Mike handed off Michael to his mom so he could go take care of his father's casket. Michael cried for his daddy the whole time. During the burial we had to hand the boys off to keep Michael quiet. Mike's uncle Andy ended up taking Michael to see the horse. It was cold and windy.
After the burial we picked Katie up and headed back to the church for a lunch with family. We loved spending time with family but not like this. Katie got to play with her cousins. We all headed back to his mom's house to spend time as a family.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family, loss, Milestones
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Christian Ryan Mast
I should have done this 3 weeks ago, but with everything that was going on at the time I just never got around to doing it.
So here it is...............
On March 24th Mom and dad flew in to help me out with the kids for when I had the baby. Mike was off so we just hung out at he house. He had to pick them up at the airport that night. He took Katie with him. I was in some pain during the day but I thought I had just over done it and needed to get off feet and relax. Mom and I were in the den with my dad and Katie, she said she had to go to the potty so my mom and I got up to take her to the potty. I was having problems walking to the other side of the house. When I got to the kitchen I told Mike that we needed to go in. He was online looking at flights to go to Ohio since his dad was in the hospital and not doing good after they shocked his heart. We packed a bag in case they kept me but we didn't think they would. So while we were gone my dad was looking for flights for Mike. We got in and set up at 10:15pm. They checked me and I was 3-4cm. While we were there the baby's heart rate dropped or sped up. The doctor wanted to keep me over night to monitor the baby. We got up stairs and in our room. Mike had to head home to pick up some paper work. That night I was in so much pain I didn't get any sleep.
March 25th, At 8AM my doctor came in and said lets have a baby. My water was still intact but I was in labor. So he broke my water. At 10:45AM I got my epi. Mike went to get food. He didn't want hospital food. When he got back I had just had my epi given. My BP dropped and I felt like I was going to vomit. They Had to give me some meds to help with that. They were unable to get my contractions on the monitor so they had to do the internals. The doctor came back at 1PM and was ready to deliver a baby. I wasn't ready. At 3PM he didn't like the way things were going. He said the baby was either to big to fit down the pelvis or was in the right position. He wanted to do a c-section in a hour. I was having pain and needed to push. So I did and in came the doctor. It was time to have the baby. We pushed for 15 minutes and out came baby. It's a BOY. Christian Ryan Mast was here. 7 pounds 9 ounces. 20 inches long.
The first night in the mother baby unit Mike was with me. The second night Mike stayed at home to help with the kids since they both were having a problem being away from us. He also bought his plane ticket to go to Ohio. The day I was to go home was the day Mike was to fly out. Our friend Ben brought Christian and I home. Dad was in Tampa.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Random Picture Challenge
February 2008
17th folder
33rd picture
From of CA trip. She would just pick the flowers on her many walks with my parents to the park
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 12:30 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
When it rains it poors!!!!
We have had a lot go on since the last time I posted a blog. About two weeks ago this Saturday, Mike's mom called and said his dad had water on his legs and feet and she was taking him to the hospital. That weekend we were getting ready for my parents to get into town to help out with the kids when I go into the hospital to have the baby. Mike would call every day even more then once to find out how he was doing. On Tuesday March 24th my parents flew in. Mike and Katie drove to TPA to pick them up. Mike got a call from his mom saying that the had shocked his fathers heart to get it to pump the way it should and that he wasn't doing so good. During the day Mike had talked to his dad's doctor and everything seemed ok. Next thing we knew Mike's mom called saying that the Doctor told her that family should get up to see him asap. So after Mike got back with my parents we started looking for a flight to get him up there. I was sitting in the den with my parents and Katie. Katie said she wanted to use the potty so we got up and made our way to the potty. I was having problems walking so when I got to Mike I said "I think we need to go in and get looked at". So a hour and a half after my parents got in we were off to the hospital to get checked. The whole time Mike was on the phone. We thought He could drive up with Joe but Joe had found a cheep ticket and now my dad was working on getting that ticket for Mike.
I will post more in the hospital and all in another blog. On March 27th Mike got a flight out to Ohio. He was in Ohio from the 27th to the 31st. This was something Mike had to do even if I wanted him to be home with us. I am glad he got to go see his dad and now he can be home 100%. We still call in every day to see how he is and some time he is doing good and others not so good. So today Mike was back to work at 5AM. I am going to miss having him home with me during the day like
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: challenges, Family