Today is day three at All Children's. We thought that we were going to be able to go home yesterday but he wasn't able to keep his food down. We had to start over. I am ok with that because it was to soon to start feeding him. So far today he has kept the bulk of his formula down with just two spit ups. We are just waiting to do the final feeding. If he keeps this one down we can go home tonight. I have my hopes up and know I shouldn't. We have pictures that I will get up once we are home.
Our little boy got to wear a hospital gown. He got a green one. He was hooked up to monitors so no pj's from home for him. He looks so cute. We had some of the best nurses here. All helpful and in love with Christian. I stayed the nights with him while Mike went home to get some sleep since he had to open at work. He also was able to help with the kids if need be. I was upset that I was the only one to stay with him but I know he had to go in. And for him to be responsible and still go into work till some one else can get there and then come and spend all day here is one of the reasons I love him so much.
I will be so happy when this is all over and done with. I am glad that he is on the path to get better. We were hit with so much at once.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
I'm so glad that he did so well and that you are finally home.
So am I
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