Friday, May 8, 2009

One of those weeks........

This week we didn't really leave the house. A change this week from the others, Mike was off on Monday. We took the kids to the water park. Michael had lots of fun with the water. Katie would run and play with the other kids. We took the kids with no naps. Katie got fussy so we left to go home and play in the pool.

This week has been a crazy one for Small Fry. He has been fussy and only wanting to be help. We would put him in his car seat to sleep since he likes to be all scrunched up.

Wednesday Mike closed and I still didn't want to take Small Fry out of the house. I did have to run to Target and Publix. I bought season 3 of Bones and got food for the week. Yesterday we did a Walmart run to buy a fan for the house. We watched season 3 of 24. I am into watching tv shows on dvds. It helps pass the time during the day. With 3 kids at home I find that I am with Small Fry and Buddy more then Katie. She is 3 and loves to help out. This week I have been on the couch with Small Fry while Katie and Buddy are playing in the family room. Mike got a old lap top and was seeing if he could scrap it out for parts. Couldn't so the kids get to play with it. Lots of play time with that. I love to sit holding Small Fry and watch him type away on it.

Now it brings me to today. Mike went to work at 8. I was on the couch like I have been the past few days feeding Small Fry. He came home to get the jeep to go get some things for his store. Small fry has not been sleeping that well at night. (I have been debating on ordering a wedge to help him sleep). The kids were playing and having fun. I was looking online for baby gifts for friends. I also was looking at sewing machines to buy. Small Fry has been vomiting after feedings again. I call the doctor and got him in today. So Mike came home to watch the other two. I know that vomiting after his surgery is to be expected but it has been weeks with no vomiting and now he does. Also his tummy protrudes to the left. Since the only way he is comfy is to be held and to be in a upright position I took him in. Doctor gave his some meds and we are taking it day by day. (I am now going to order that wedge.

One a good not I found this cute diaper bag. It is a good bag with lots of space for everything I could need with 3 little ones. They didn't have to one I wanted but I still got a good one. I will still get the one I want later on. While i was looking at the bag I was also looking at decorations for Buddy's party. I have decided to make the banner if I have time. Now to the cake. I have found several I like. Picking seems the hardest.

This weekend I hope to get everything done that needs to be done for the party and then work on some things for my business. I will post pics for everyone to see once I have more made.