Monday, August 24, 2009

our dear sweet Michael Raymond

what a ray of sunshine you are. i saw you first at the hospital the day you were born and fell in love with you. i couldn't be in the delivery room when you were born because i was baby sitting your sister,Katie, but i got there as fast as i could. i remember how you cried when anyone but your mother held you, your black hair and adorable little face. buddy, you have brought us so much joy and love. you always have a bright smile, you love to laugh and you have, even now at a year old, a generous loving spirit. We love you dearly and thank God for you every day of our lives. God made you for a great purpose and may you always know your unique qualities and talents from God. i pray you have peace, security, joy, love and that the Holy Spirit always indwell in you. i pray you will be kind, generous, loving, compassionate, love learning, have a teachable spirit, and do great things for good in this world. always listen to that little voice which tells you to do good even when it's hard to do. i pray the Lord send you good Christian friendships and when it comes time for you to marry a wonderful Christian wife. friendships are important, always treasure those friends who truly care about you and don't be deceived by false friends. don't get sidetracked with the unessential things which keep you from your calling in God. i pray that God will direct your steps, lead you in His Way ,His Light and His truth. may you bear the fruits of patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control. always know you are loved by the Lord and that we love you and pray for your welfare your future, all the days of our lives.

Love, Love,
Poppie and Duckie