On Mother's Day I spent the day with my mom getting everything ready for me to have my son on May 13Th. While we were shopping I started to have to sharp pains in my left side. I thought it was cause I was over doing it. We had dinner plans that night, so we went home to get dressed for dinner. When I got home Mike was there and ready to go. I had to have him help me get ready cause I was in so much pain. I sat own on the bed and told him that I didn't think we were going to get through the night. That he needed to be ready to take me in even if they just send us home. That way we would know how far I was. We drove to dinner in two cars since there were 4 adults and Katie, we didn't fit in one car anymore. As we were at dinner I finally told my parents that after dinner we were going in due to contractions I was having. I could not sit and enjoy my meal.
After dinner we drove Katie home. Mike grabbed my bag and some pillows just in case. I got the things my mom would need for Katie ready. I told them we would see them in a hour and not to wait up. We got to the hospital around 8pm, they examined me and said I was 3cm and would have the doctor on call look at me since he was there. While he was examining me I went to 4cm. He said you are staying and we will have a baby tonight we hope. The took me down stairs to L&D. I was given an iv and blood taken. Around 9pm the doctor came in and broke my water. At 10 I have my nice pain meds and it was time ti just wait. Mike slept most of the time ina chair since he was at work since 5am. Around 2:30am he meds were wearing off and I need more. They gave me some more. At 3am it was time to push. This time around Mike could be by my side. I don't know if it was cause he was sleeping and got up to soon but he went white as a ghost. He sat there ready to take pictures this time. I pushed for 45minutes and had our son. The doctor cut the cord this time due to the fact that Michael Raymond had his shoulder stuck. Everything is fine and he is a healthy baby. He was 8 10. 20 inches. Black hair and at the time blue eyes. They are now hazel like mine. Ya about time one of my kids look like me. They both do :) we stayed in the mother baby unit one night and I went home.
Things have been so great with them. Katie loves to be the big sister. When we need diapers to go in the trash she does it. She will get a diaper or bottle for him. If I am making a bottle and he starts to cry she will drop what she is doing and go to him and try to calm him doen till I can get there.
Monday, June 16, 2008
He is here!!!!!
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures, Birthdays, Buddy stories, Holiday
Monday, June 9, 2008
Baby shower 08'
I had my baby shower is April. I had most of the things we would need from Katie that all I needed was clothes. We got cute clothes and love to see him in them. I am very thankful for every thing we got and for Bonnie for giving me the shower.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Our family gets bigger!!!
We found out in September that we are going to have another baby.
In December we found out that the baby was going to be a BOY!!! We are so excited for the new addition to the family.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Announcement
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Our family trip to Cali
In August we all went to Cali for vacation. The trip up there sucked. We got to the air port in time for our 5 something flight. Our flight from Tampa was late so we were not going to make our flight in Atlanta. So we got a later flight to Las Vegas. That flight didn't leave Tampa till 9pm. We had to hang out and Waite. We got food and lots to read. Katie was able to take a nap some what. When we got to Vegas i thought she would be sleeping the time we had there but as soon as we got off the plane and made our way to get food she was wide awake and running around. We got in to Cali at 1am. That was way too long to be in air ports. When we landed my dad said " see that flight, that as your Atlanta flight that just got in a couple minutes ago."
While we were there Mike got to go see where the Navy Seals train. We ate Hotel Coronado. It is such a old hotel but we loved sitting outside and looking at the water. it was a hot day but a great day.
We also took Katie to the zoo. We had a blast. I am so glad we got to go spend time with my parents. She loved it so much. The animals and the food. She would walk for a little but still needed mommy and daddy to help. My little girl growing up.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Kaitlynn is 1!!!!
Our little princess is 1. She has grown up so much.
She had so much fun at her party. we did a joint party with our friends who had their daughter the same night. It was so much fun to watch the girls eat cake and open their gifts. At the end of the party it started to rain but that didn't stop our princes from having fun.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Milestones
Cali trip
In June I took Kaitlynn to Cali to surprise my mom since she was having a hard time living there away from Katie, Mike and I. We had so much fun that week going to the park, water park and to see Uncle Chris. We got to shop atlot that trip. I love the outlet mall near them.
Meeting My uncle Chris for the first time. We went to his work to have dinner and it was good to see him since we found out we were going to have her.
I was sad that it was such a short trip. One thing that made it easy for mom was that we would be back in August for birthdays.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Our trip to Texas
Kaitlynn's first plane ride.
We went to Texas to show my grandmother Kaitlynn and to see my parents while they were in Texas on their way to Cali were they live now. While we were in Teaxs we stayed with my grandmother. We had so much fun that trip. We had dinner with my parents, grandmother and aunt Sarah.
After my parents left and headed to their new home we took the rest of our stay in Dallas to see friends. We took her to the Dallas Zoo. We went to the mall and just hung out and had some good times. We played cards while katie tried to play with the dogs.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Kaitlynn Nicole
Kaitlynn Nicole Mast was born on August 21, 2006 at 4:25pm.
That was a very long day for mommy and baby. The week leading up to the 21st I was in and out of the hospital cause I was in so much pain and thought we were going to have her then. The day before I went to the hospital again. They sent me home saying since you will be in at 7am for an induction we are not keeping you. The rest of the day I layed on the couch with a heating pad on my back since that was were my contraction were. That night I slept on the couch. At around 10pm I got up due to pain. Around 12 I went in and told Mike I was hurting bad. He said we are going in at 7 and try to get some rest. I was up walking around the kitchen and family room. They were coming every minute lasting a minute. Finlay I couldn't take it anymore and went into the bed room to get Mike up for good. As I tried to climb in the bed I thought I was leaking again. I went to the bath room and found out my water broke. It was brown cause she decided to poop. I called to Mike and he jumped out of bed. We already had our bags in the car and all we had to do was grab pillows. I went and told my parents we were going in and we would call around 8. It was 4am. We got to the hospital around 4:45am. They got me in a room and started the paper work and blood work to get me the pain meds around 5am. At 7am the new nurses came in and told me the doctor wanted me on O2. My parents walked in at 9am and looked at me with a worried look on their faces. We all sat there talking, reading or on the phone. Around 2 pm, my parents went to get something to eat. While they were gone we started to push. My mom came back to help. Around 3pm the doctor came in and said if you don't have her in a hour he was going to give me a c-section. I pushed like I have never pushed before. At 4:25pm I had her. Kaitlynn Nicole weighed in at 8lbs 21 inches. She had a full head of dark hair. I forgot to tell Mike and my mom that she would be blue till they got all the bad liquid from her and she would be fine. Once they cleaned me up my dad was able to come in and see his grand daughter since he had to go back to Miami the next day. Since I had so much fluid they kept in till 10pm. Kaitlynn went up to the Mother baby unit at 6pm. Mike kept running back and forth to be with us. I was in the hospital for two nights.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Katie Stories
Baby Shower 06'
My baby shower in June of 06'. We got all the things we needed for her. Thank you so much everyone. During my shower I was having contractions but not bad enough to go in 2 months early to have her. It was such a great day. Spending time with friends and family. I loved all the cute girly clothes. That day we bought white onesies and had fabric paint and markers there or every one to make a onesie for her. They turned out so good.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Our Daughter!
Our daughter!!!
We found out that we are having a GIRL!!!!! We are so excited. We can now start getting things ready for her. I can't wait to hold her.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Katie Stories
We are going to have a BABY!!!
I had a doctors appointment on December 7th. We found out were are going to have a baby!!! We called my parents to let them know and then we called his parents. We are so excited. We can't wait to see him or her.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures, Announcement
Our life together as Mr & Mrs Micke Mast
For our honeymoon we went to Maui. We had the best time ever. We got to relax. While we were there we got to go to all the historic places. I have been to many times but just to lay around not to go to Pearl Harbor. When we got home we had to put all the wedding gifts away and write thank you cards. We also go to spend some time with just my mom before she had to get back to Miami. We also had to make sure everything was ok with our house since we left the day a hurricane was to hit our town.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Love
Our wedding
I got married on October 22, 2005. We had the best time that night with all our friends and family.
The day seemed like it would never happen. We had a storm heading our way so the night before my family and I were glued to tv to see if we need to evacuate or stay. I got up the day to watched weather with my mom, dad and uncle. They made me some food and we got on our way with the wedding. My bridal party came over to get ready for the wedding. I had got some one to do makeup and hair for us. It was fun to just relax and be at home with my friends and family instead of having to run all over town before. We were on the way to the church when I realized I left the rings at home. My dad called my brother and he brought them. Thanks Chris. They guys were later getting there so the pictures were all messed up. We took the before pictures and waited for the ceremony to start. As my dad walked me down the aisle I was ok. We started the ceremony and I was glad to be doing this. No second thoughts. We had planed to do pictures after with the bridal party and family. We had the whole bridal party ride with us to the reception. So on our way to Marina Jacks.
The reception was so much fun to be able to relax and just have fun. The food was great and I loved the cake. We stayed at the Ritz that night and man the Ritz is not what people make it out to be.
The next day my parents had planed a brunch for the two family's to get to know each other better. That day we found out that they had canceled our flight out and we had to go to Orlando. So we packed in a nano second and was able to ride with my cousin Sarah. We had so much fun those couple days with family and friends, but now it was time to just relax and be with each other.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Love
Mike & Emily
When I met Mike I was with someone else. We met at work. I worked at long Horn and he works for Publix. He would come in for lunch. I had left Long Horn due to school. A friend of mine called me one day and said "Mike is asking about you, can I give him your number?" I told her yea. He called and we went to dinner and a movie. White Chicks was the movie.
My mom never liked storm season so we were always having to pack up and leave when one came our way or near my dad in Miami. We lost touch for some time. With his work, my school and me having to leave every weekend with my parents we just kept missing each other's calls.
During that time I took a trip to Texas and decided to call him up while I was sitting at the gte waiting for my flight. It was really nice to talk to him again. I had called two more time while I was in Texas but it was hard with the time diffrence and his work. So I was going to waite till I got back to call him again. When I got back I had a late flight and was so jet laged that I didn't care what i looked like when I went to the store with my mom. A t-shirt and sweats was what I had on. We walked into the store and I looked to my right and there he was. He was at my store! He called later that night and we started to see eachother as offten as we could. That was 4 years ago. Most of you know that in 2005 we got married. I love every minute of my life with him.
We have two wonderful kids and one due in April. I wouldn't trade my life for any other.
Posted by ~EMILY~ at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Love